< BET Code of Ethics - SolarisLight

BioEnergy Therapy Training
Code of Ethics


1.1 This Code has been compiled by the Director of Training at SolarisLight Institute for BioEnergy Therapists (BET) and relates to the standards of practice for all Practitioners holding title of Practitioner.

1.2. This Code of Ethics is the professional base standard expected of all Practitioners so as to preserve and enhance the reputation of the BioEnergy Therapy and the public at large.

1.3 This Code applies to all Practitioners who are in training or who become Practitioners of BET.

1.4 The SolarisLight Director of Training reserves the right to amend the Code of Ethics as, and when, it is deemed necessary. Should such be the case all BioEnergy Therapist will be informed of these changes.


2.1 Client, student and public welfare shall take priority over self interest of members, employers and colleagues.

2.2 Confidentiality of client information must be observed at all times. In the case where client information is shared this must first precede written consent from the client or legal guardian. Legal and contractual limits must be made clear to clients where appropriate.

2.3 All Practitioners shall not behave in any manner that may bring BioEnergy Therapy, its Practitioners or the members profession into disrepute.

2.4 All Practitioners will, at all times, maintain ethical standards and show politeness and consideration to their clients and conduct themselves professionally so as to comply with the generally accepted standards of moral behaviour and decency.

2.5 Should any Practitioner be found to have transgressed any of the said Codes of Ethics, their license to practice BioEnergy Therapy shall be revoked and their Certificate shall be returned to SolarisLight.


3.1 All Practitioners shall conduct their professional practice with reasonable skill and learning. In no way shall any Practitioner misrepresent their level of training, expertise, experience, or qualification.

3.2 All Practitioners shall not attempt to offer work or advice beyond their level of competence or training.


4.1 All Practitioners must be personally responsible for professional decisions and must give due consideration to the foreseeable consequences of their actions within their field of expertise.

4.2 When working with, or for, other persons or organisations all Practitioners shall maintain the highest integrity and standards of the profession.

4.3 All Practitioners shall recommend clients to seek expert medical attention or psychological help in the case where a client is in need of further assistance that falls outside the individual practitioners level of expertise; field/s of experience and/or qualifications.


5.1 Clinical, consulting and evaluative information must be kept confidential and may only be communicated for professional purposes only with the consent of the client or as may be required by law.

5.2 BioEnergy Therapy client records kept by the practitioner, shall be securely stored and disposed of in a confidential manner.

5.3 When clients are unable to give informed consent, due to age, medical condition, psychological state etc., consent will be obtained by a legal guardian.

5.4 Minors (16 years and under) must be accompanied for treatment by a parent or guardian AND under written permission for such treatment that must be obtained by a parent or guardian prior to commencement of consultation.

5.5 No Practitioner will undermine the integrity of their BioEnergy Therapy spiritual counselling by selling any supplement or equipment to clients who may as result come to question the objectives and validity of therapy.

Client Relationship

6.1 All Practitioners shall respect the client’s physical/emotional state, and shall not abuse clients through actions, words or silence, nor take advantage of the therapeutic relationship.

6.2 All Practitioners shall in no way participate in sexual activity with a client. They consider the client’s comfort zone, and honour the client’s requests as much as possible within personal, professional and ethical limits. They acknowledge the inherent worth and individuality of each person and therefore do not unjustly discriminate against clients or fellow practitioners.

6.3 In the event that a Practitioner and consulting client within their said profession should wish to participate in an intimate sexual relationship, any professional services must be terminated and the client be referred to another practitioner of the said profession.

6.4 Advance financial arrangements must be made that are understood by clients that safeguard the client’s interests. All fee structures, cancellation penalties (if any) and other relevant information or conditions must be clearly displayed by the practitioner of BioEnergy Therapy.

Professional Conduct, Professional Development and Insurance

7.1 All Practitioners shall attempt to informally resolve minor breaches in the BET Code of Ethics by other BET Practitioners. In the case where severe breaches are made or cannot be informally resolved, the member should inform the SolarisLight Director of Operations in writing, furnishing all appropriate relevant details.

7.2 In the event that a dispute should arise between fellow BET Practitioners, the said Practitioners shall make every attempt to resolve differences. Where differences cannot be cleared the said Practitioners may seek to find an agreed mediator to facilitate a suitable outcome for all concerned.

7.3 In no way shall a BET Practitioner disparage, nor publicly criticize another BET Practitioner.

7.4 All BET Practitioners shall endeavour to obtain and maintain Public Liability Insurance within three months of becoming a BET Practitioner. Public Liability Insurance can be obtained through our recommended IICT broker or another provider at the discretion of the Practitioner and obtained to an appropriate level for the practitioner concerned under the provisions and protocols of the practitioners’ profession.

7.5 All BET Practitioners shall maintain their knowledge and professional skills required under the guidelines of the members profession.


8.1 All BET Practitioners are permitted to advertise themselves as BET Practitioners so long as their certified license to practice BioEnergy Therapy is valid.

8.2 All Practitioners shall not make claims or statements which may bring their profession or the IICT into disrepute.

8.3 No Practitioners shall falsely imply sponsorship or verification by SolarisLight or any organisation which has not given their consent to do so.

8.4 All Practitioners shall ensure that any advertising mentioning the SolarisLight or BioEnergy Therapy name shall be ethical and reserved in nature. In no way shall any Practitioner make exaggerated or misleading claims in their advertising bearing the BioEnergy Therapy name.

8.5 Practitioners shall make every attempt to inform prospective BET Practitioners of the IICT Code of Ethics and the provisions and costs of becoming an IICT member. In no way shall any member attempt to mislead, nor coerce another in joining the IICT. In all cases, Practitioners will direct the prospective client to the IICT website where the IICT’s Code of Ethics, guidelines for membership, and application can be obtained.

8.6 A current IICT member who holds a higher level of membership may only advertise themselves in accordance with the modalities and practices they hold qualifications in and those that have been approved by the IICT for this level of membership. In the event a member who provides services which come under the IICT’s lower levels of membership, the member is not allowed to publicly advertise services in accordance with denoting a higher level of membership, but must advertise these services separately.